Clip in extensions are the only customizable DIY hair extensions. They're easy enough to install at home AND you're getting professional looking results. What's not to love?!
Using clip ins add length and volume all over (including the sides and temple areas of the scalp that halos tend to miss). Clip ins require a little more time to install compared to halos, but the trade-off is a more customizable look with targeted volume.
Clip ins can also be worn with hair of various length, including hair that is shorter than shoulder length.
Styling hair with clip ins is easy, up-dos, long braids and ponys are all options for this type of extensions.
Thykk Clip Ins come with a heavy 160 grams of hair in the following clips:
2 x 4 clip wefts
2 x 3 clip wefts
2 x 2 clip wefts
2 x 1 clip wefts
To install your clip ins you'll need
- a tail comb
- a clip
- hair spray

Begin by separating your hair horizontally a few inches above the nape of the neck. Clip up the rest of the hair so it's out of the way.
Using your comb, tease your hair at the roots. If you have thinner hair, use hair spray at the roots after teasing to create more hold.
Insert a 4 or 3 clip weft (depending on the size of your head) to the parted hair. Clip in the hair to the teased hair at the roots. Ensure a strong and comfortable hold.
Take down another portion of your hair, about an inch above the first section. Following the same steps, tease the hair and spray.
Insert a 4 clip weft to the parted hair. Clip into the teased roots. Ensure a snug fit.
Repeat the following steps working up the back of the scalp. You should have 4 layers using the 3 and 4 clip wefts.
Working on the sides, part the hair just above the ears. Tease and spray. Clip and secure with a 2 clip weft.
A couple inches above the ear or near the temple, part, tease and spray, clipping and securing a 1 clip weft to each side.
Once all clip ins are installed, gently brush through hair using a wide tooth comb to blend. Style hair as desired. Be mindful of styling tools getting too close to the clips, as they can get quite hot.